Saturday, March 17, 2007

ninja reply

this is the reply i got for the ninja drawing
twas the birth of dagger girl.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Stick Figure Ninja

last year while at work i was bored and made a drawing the drawing that started a stick figure war between a friend and me. this is that picture
this is the birth of stick figure ninja.

quote of the day

"water is god at getting things wet."


Sunday, March 11, 2007


please leave comments, i know you people are reading this, so why not leave a comment

Saturday, March 10, 2007

no rain

so there havnt been too many of these days this year. fucking sad. looks like i;ll have to wait to capture a single rain drop on film(is that even the right term now a days)

Friday, October 06, 2006

not a lame joke

3 shaolin monks walk into a baby store...thats not the begining to a lame joke. This accutaly happened to me at work on monday. they came in asked "how much" while pointing to a baby blanket. Now there are 3 ways i could have answered . this particular blanky cost $20.00, so i could have said 1: "twenty dollars( i dont think they would have understood "BUX", 2: you can have it if you can take ot from my hand, grasshopper, or 3: lets see whos kung-fu is stronger. BAM so the fight starts and im unleashing hell on these 3 monks, and sence im outta shape i end the match quickly and leave 3 shaolin monks tending to their wonds.
well thats not how they are gunna tell it back at the shaolin temple. truth is i told'um twenty dollars and they go on their marry way. any way heres a pic